Educational Works:

An education initiative at KASHMIR:

AMU Students in collaboration with SOCH-beyond the imagination launched initiative for Kashmir School students on August 11th 2015 at Baramulla, Kashmir. For educational upliftment of underprivileged section of society, a team of students of AMU and SOCH team began career awareness program called PAHEL. Counseling session provided by the SOCH for students. Dr. Saleem Mohammad Khan said “ the SOCH team will provide information regarding the entrance exams of different central universities such as AMU,BHU,Jamia milia Islamia and JNU. The PAHEL team said there will be a chain of follow up programmes too, in different higher schools in future. Dr. Danish Suhail and Amood Gulzar were the active volunteers of SOCH in KASHMIR.

Sir Syed Literacy School at Shehanshabad:

“SOCH-beyond the imagination” started a Sir Syed Literacy School at Shehanshabad for slum children that consist following opportunities:
 To educate underprivileged children in urban slums.
 Special emphasis on school dropouts.
 Achieve the goal of Right to Education.
 Trying to help children stay in school by providing remedial education and other services and supporting them to go to mainstream schools.
Moreover project members looking forward for providing vocational training like tailoring, beautician course, computer classes etc for the local residents so that they can generate income through the available resources that already present in the community. Dr, Saleem Mohammad along with active project members Miss Yusra Khan(MSW), Dr. Danish Suhail, Mr. Amood Gulzar & Dr. Adil Izhar working on this project by putting new ideas for bringing changing in surrounding community with their constant efforts.